Wednesday, April 6, 2016

ECSE421 Final Reflection of Class

I have learned so much from this class - it's nice to walk away from a class and look back and think about what you have learned and then realizing that there's so much you learned that you could go forever. I loved the real life experience it brought with the family resource plan and the guest lectures. The best way that I can learn is through real life application - so I actually felt like I learned what it's like to work with the family and what it will be like in my profession. It helped me to better understand aspects of the family and things that should be considered when working with families. I loved this class and appreciate the impact it has on my life now and will have in my life in my future.

Before I came into this class I had heard of a developmental specialist but I didn't exactly know what it was. As I have learned about it and learned about working with families in this class, being a developmental specialist is something I am very interested in and would love to learn more about this profession. 

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