Sunday, April 3, 2016

ECSE340 Week 6

It was the last home visit and I was so sad to say goodbye to the infant I worked with and his mom! I came at a time of day that I don't usually come, and the baby was really fussy and hadn't really napped. Our main goal for the last visit was for him to lay on his tummy for a total of 20 minutes - 5 minutes on the blanket and 15 minutes on the boppy. Right when we put him on the blanket with his PVC gym, toys, and mirrors ready for when he needs, he started crying right away and just would not stop. We started again and put him on the boppy instead but he still just would not have it. He was so distraught that we decided to let him calm down and be held by his mom. And he fell asleep and would not wake up! We stayed for a while, trying to attempt again but it just didn't work. Wrong time of the day! I gave her and explained to her the future development plan and the resource page and my thank you letter and said our goodbyes. She said she will still try to make his goal of 20 minutes straight! I learned a lot from this experience and glad I was able to have the opportunity to do this!

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