Wednesday, March 30, 2016

ECSE340 Week 5

This week I brought my developmentally appropriate activity to the home, which was a little "baby gym" made out of PVC pipe and I hung black and white patterns and a mirror from the top with red ribbon. We started him out tummy time on the boppy next to the hanging patterns. While he was on his boppy we went over the 3 month questionnaire. He was fussier this week than usual and only lasted about 16 minutes on the boppy and 1 minute on the floor, after the boppy time. We decided that for the next week, which will be the last visit, we will shoot for 5 minutes on the floor (first) and 15 minutes on the boppy (second), so 20 minutes all together! Hopefully he will be happier for our last visit!

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