Friday, March 18, 2016

Week 11

I really enjoyed this week and the discussions, readings, and clips we had this week. Mental health illness was a subject that really made me think. Because I knew the background of Liza Long's child and more information that was given, I had a hard time agreeing with anything she was saying. I don't agree that she should have made a big deal about this, or comparing her son to Adam Lanza. I don't doubt that this affects him Mental health illness is a hard subject because I do agree that it's something that the world needs to be more aware of, but I also believe that it does not need to be blown out of proportion.

I loved the video clips on Wednesday, and pondered a lot about how those apply to teaching and how teaching, or just these different types of professions in general, can bless our lives.
What is one talent you have been blessed with that will make you a better teacher? I feel like one talent I have been blessed with is my ability to love and show it. I love to share my love with people and tell them constantly that I do.

Weekly Quote:
"Ours is the responsibility to care for the flock. May we each step up to serve." -Thomas S. Monson

HWD: Presenting on Monday! Agh!!

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