Friday, March 18, 2016

ECSE340 Week 4

This week was great! The baby I'm working with has improved SO much and he's so much happier on tummy time than he was the first time. Last time he absolutely hated the mirror but when we tried it it was the second attempt of tummy time so I used the mirror on the first attempt this time. He lasted 5 min and 30 seconds and the mirror ended up being a hit! It took him a while to look at it but when he did he loved it. For the second attempt of tummy time, after a few minute break, we used the black and white patterned paper (the tool we used on the first attempt last time) and he didn't last too long - 1 minute and 10 seconds. I concluded that he was always just tired on the second attempt and the tool didn't play a factor in that. After another break, we tried the boppy again. This time with the mirror, black and white patterned paper, and a little book of his. He lasted so long - 9 minutes and 45 seconds!! It was so awesome! The whole visit he was pretty gassy and so he fussed a little bit here and there but he was suffered through it and was so tough. :) I told baby's mom the overall goal of 20 minutes a day and I really think he will be able to do it easily!

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